What Do You Do When Prayers are Unanswered

Jenny Rieflin and Daron Ladson

Jenny Reiflin

Read: Galatians 5:6; Hebrews 10:23, 12:2

Jenny shared some of the challenges she and her husband faced in their marriage, going through an empty nest, and having a daughter move away and severing communication with them. Throughout these ordeals there were many prayers that seemed to go unanswered. She said there were four things that anchored her: (1) recognizing that God is the only perfect One and that He knows our story, (2) knowing that unconditional love is powerful and having the faith that others will figure out their life, (3) Remembering that Jesus is our example of how to answer the enemy with the Word, and (4) Holding fast to Him, resting in His work and watching Him do what only He can do. Then rejoicing becomes the outward expression of our faith.

Darron Ladson

Read: 1 Peter 1:1-12

Darron expounded on the persecuted lives of early Christians who likely prayed about their situation but still experienced hard times.  In Scripture, Peter encourages them and offers  suggestions as to how they can reconcile unanswered prayer, which is like a type of grief causing heaviness and deep longing for change. We must understand that our reward for trusting Jesus is not always answered prayer, but a crown of righteousness when our faith does not fail. For God is able to sustain us through every season of life and our faith is proven genuine, not because of the answers we receive, but because of who we put our trust in.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What resonated with you as  listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. It was said that our faith cannot override someone else’s will.  What does this mean to you?

  3. It was said that our value is not attached to what we do. What does this mean to you? To what do you think our value is attached?

  4. It was said that unanswered prayer is a type of grief. What emotions do you experience when your prayers are not answered? How do you handle them?

  5. It was said that as we grow older, we sometimes are thankful for some unanswered prayers. What does this mean to you? What some unanswered prayers you are thankful for?

  6. It was said that prayer builds our relationship with God. What does this mean to you?


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