Will I Ever Find Freedom?

Speakers: Evan Hinkernell & Eric Rogers

Evan Hickernell

Read: 2 Corinthians 3:17, 12:9; Galatians 5:13-14; Ephesians 2:8

Evan shared his story of how he was adopted, grew up in a Christian home and was enrolled in a Christian school to learn about ministry when he began to do drugs and eventually became heavily addicted to heroin. He acknowledged that the drugs were only a symptom of his addiction to himself and the need to find freedom from living for himself. After two experiences in rehab, He recognized his powerlessness and found freedom by the Spirit of God and through strong relationships with others. Scripture tells us that (1) encountering the Spirit leads us to freedom, (2) freedom is given through the grace of God, and (3) freedom is a journey and means living to love and serve others. Evan is now 5 years clean.

Eric Rogers

Read: Mark 5:1-7; John 8:36, 9:1-3; Roman 12:2; 2 Corinthians 12:7-9

Eric shared his story of how at the age of 12 he began a path of addiction when he began using alcohol to cover the pain of seeing his mother be regularly beaten by his father. In his struggle his mind first searched for blame and questioned why he was the way he was. Like many, he was given a life that he did not ask for, and was faced with the decision to contend in battle or to struggle privately. He chose to battle and is now 36 years in sobriety. He reminded us that the devil seeks to stop the assignment God has given us for our lives and that we must torment the thing that is trying to torment us by bringing it into the presence of God.


1. What resonated with you as listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2. In examining the pains in your life , have there been times you sought to blame others for your struggles? Have you had times when you wondered why you are as you are? How have you reconciled those questions?

3. Evan spoke of ‘living for himself’ and Eric noted that we live in a world where people feel they have a right to be unrestrained and able to do what they want. Some consider this to be freedom. What do you think are the positives or negatives of living this way? What do you think true freedom is?

4. Evan shared an African proverb that says if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together. What does this mean to you?

5. Read Galatians 5:13-14. Explain what this Scripture means to you.

6. Read Mark 5: 1-7. How does Legion’s situation illustrate the life people who are in bondage and needing freedom? What could you say to them about gaining freedom?

7. Eric suggested that we torment the things that are tormenting us. What can we do to accomplish this?


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