Building a Better World: What Are You Under?

Pastor Josh Jansen

Read: James 4

As Christians we have an obligation to build a better world. But we cannot do so by being a friend of the world or else we become an enemy of God. To accomplish this, we must answer God’s call to draw near to Him and as we do, He will draw near to us. But when we miss God’s call we live in the mist. For the mist is that which never lingers, but will dissipate when temperatures rise. It reflects wavering faith and inconsistency in our walk with Christ. It causes us to sometimes be filled with worry, anxiety, or gossip and to often ignore the pain around us. Instead we must choose to live our lives from under the anointing of heaven. That is where God meets and empowers His people to live a life that echoes heaven. Then we can experience peace, become better people and ultimately build a better world.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What resonated with you as listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. What do you think living in the mist means? What would one’s life look like?

  3. What do you think it means to live under the anointing of heaven? What would one’s life look like?

  4. What does a church that echoes heaven look like?

  5. It was said that pride is the peak of all evils; a prison of illusion. What does this mean to you?

  6. James 4:8 states that if we come near to God, He will come near to us. What can we do to draw near to God?

  7. Read James 4. What practical suggestions does this offer that would make our lives and this world a better place?


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Building a Better World: Faith and Works