Building a Better World: Faith and Works

Pastor Josh Jansen

Read: James 2:14-26

To accomplish anything in today’ world requires a level of work and not just an intellectual assent or wishful thinking. Scripture in the Book of James states that faith that is not accompanied by action is dead, and that a person is considered righteous by what he does and not by his faith alone. Indeed, faith is important. For we are saved by grace through faith. But it was said that there are two kinds of faith: dangerous faith and demon faith, and that dangerous faith is what is needed to build a better world.

Demon faith begins and ends with believing there is a God. It does not change the way act we act or think. One may use kind words as a cover for his religion but do nothing to change the situation around them. Some may focus only on themselves and give little attention to the broken world. Even holy things may become common to them. But dangerous faith is the faith of Abraham and Rahab, both of whom demonstrated their faith with actions. It is a faith that will risk comfort to make a difference. It is a faith one puts into practice and willingly allows himself to become the hands and feet of Jesus to build a better world.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What resonated with you as listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. In your own words, explain what you think James means when he says, “faith without deeds is dead.”

  3. Read Joshua 2. In what way did Rahab put her faith into action?

  4. Read Genesis 22:1-19. In what way did Abraham put his faith into action? Who are others in the Bible that demonstrated both faith and works?

  5. What do you think is the connection between faith and obedience?

  6. Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by grace through faith and not by works. Why then is it important to add deeds to our faith according to James?

  7. What are ways you have put your faith into action? What are other ways you can put your faith into action?


Building a Better World: What Are You Under?


Building a Better World: Strength in Trials