Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: Psalm 139:14; 1 Samuel 10:1, 9-11, 21-24; 18:6-11; Colossians 3:9-10

God has created each of us as unique creatures, and within our uniqueness He has declared that that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Yet many of us unconsciously go to our graves without truly knowing who we are, or we live someone else’s life or at the very least someone else’s expectations of us. This is indicative of our ‘bent’ self, created by false messages directed at us others over the years. We are also influenced by a cultural change in our world whereby personality now supersedes integrity and discipline. Even though we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, our sinful nature tells us that we are not enough. But Jesus came to restore all of us.


God wants to heal our fragmented lives.  His desire is that we journey to complete wholeness in body, mind and soul.  He desires that we experience such freedom that we no need to perform as we care less about what others think and more about what God thinks.  In Him, we must continue the process of putting off our old ways of thinking and becoming renewed in our knowledge of ourselves as image-bearers of the creator.


1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     What does it mean to live someone else’s life?

3.     St. Augustine was quoted as saying, “How can you draw close to God when you are far from your own self?” Why do you think it would be important to know yourself in order to draw closer to God?

4.     It was suggested that the ‘bent’ layers in us were developed by false messages we have heard in our early life. For example, “You are lovable if you get good grades.” What are some messages you have heard over the years that have impacted your self-thoughts, behavior or life? 

5.     It was said that like an iceberg, everyone of us has as a “seen” life, and an “unseen” part of us beneath the surface. What are some things beneath your surface that impact how you live, make decisions or relate to others?

6.     Read 1 Samuel 10:1, 9-11 and 20-24. Pastor shared this story of Saul, a handsome man, head and shoulders taller than others. Though he knew he had been chosen as Israel’s first king, when it was time to step forward, he hid himself. Why do think he hid? When was a time God called you to an assignment and you hid or wanted to hide? Why?

7.     Pastor stated that although Saul was gifted and anointed, he found his worth and worldly success in the approval of others. Read 1 Samuel 18: 6-11 and notice his reaction when he did not receive it. What are ways we sometimes respond when we do not feel others have approved or validated us for something we have done or said?


Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy - Going Back to Move Forward


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