Sermon Recap - Psalms: Trust

Speaker: Pastor Josh Jansen

Read: Psalm 20

As we look around the world today, and even as we reflect on our own lives and those around us, it is clear that trouble is real. Since the days of Adam and Eve, everything is engineered to let us know we will face trouble and pain. Thankfully, we serve a God who is deeply personal and who is acquainted with our pain. Jesus came as a human and is not distant in our struggles. Rather, He feels what we feel and sympathizes with our weaknesses. He does not expect us to ignore our pain, but instead to wrestle with it.


There may be times when we are confronted with situations that are heavier than we feel we can handle ourselves and it is comforting to know that God is there in the midst of our troubles with us. At other times we may need to take a Selah, and reflect on the space between our distress and our desires. It is in that pause where we can build our trust and acknowledge His presence.  Some people may choose to trust in other things, but when we allow God to be the seat of our trust, He helps us navigate our pain.


1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     Who or what is seated in the place of your trust? How did you decide where to put your trust? How does it help you navigate your pain?

3.     Read John 11:32-36 and Luke 8:40-56. How did Jesus demonstrate His humanity and compassion for others in these passages? 

4.     Selah was described as a musical term which means a pause in music. It was further described as the bridge between our distress and desires. What does this mean to you? What do you think is the value of taking a Selah or break in the midst of our troubles? How comfortable are you with being silent of lacking movement in such a pause?

5.     It was said that some people easily misplace their trust.  What are things that people tend to put their trust in?

6.     Why do you think God allows us to experience trouble and pain? 

7.     Read Psalm 20. What in this Psalm speaks to you? How does it encourage you?


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