Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy - Going Back to Move Forward

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: Luke 10:27, Psalm 139:14, Exodus 34:7, Proverbs 22:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17

Jesus came not just for salvation but the restoration of our broken world. God invites us to participate with him in the restoration of the world. How we do that is through the transformative work of God in and through us. This is sometimes called whole life spirituality. Living out whole life spirituality can be difficult because we all have an inner voice that often is criticizing and speaking fear over us. This voice is often linked with experiences in life that we’ve had and even experiences or decisions that our family has experienced in generations past. Sometimes, in order to live a restorative life in Christ we need to go back to explore broken family patterns and experiences in order to move forward in freedom in Christ. Many scriptures in the Old Testament give context to this principle explaining that when we disobey God’s instructions there are consequences that can effect generations to come. Psychologists now call this phenomenon ‘generational transmission.’ This can be perceived as unjust and even punishment from God however we are not victims to the choices of former generations or even our own choices. We have the power of Christ in us to make changes in our life because we have power and privilege to be a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17.) We have to allow God to transform the broken places within us. Self will is not enough. We have to allow God to lead us forward into healing and freedom. When we allow God into the broken places and lead us through healing, we begin to model wholeness in Christ which also effects future generations.

Group Questions:

  1. What patterns or behaviors can you trace back in your family that you see in your life today?

  2. Is there anything in your family culture that impacts things that you are struggling with today?

  3. What do you feel you need to surrender to God in order to find healing within you?

  4. What from this message challenged you?


Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy - Things that Shape Our Story


Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy