Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy - Things that Shape Our Story

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: Psalm 139:14, Genesis 37-50 (the story of Jospeh)

We have a limited perspective of Christ’s redemption. Through salvation our spirits have been regenerated, but often we are still in bondage to the words of our inner voice and the lies of the world. The world focuses on performance, possessions and popularity telling us that we are what we do, that we are what we have, or that we are what others think. Our inner voice often tells us that we are not enough, that we are worthless, a loser, unable to succeed, not able to trust others and more. But such thoughts are contrary to what God says in Scripture: that we are unique, filled with wonder and awe, fearfully and wonderfully made.

To allow God’s truth to prevail we must understand ourselves and the source of our inner voice. We must take the journey back examining our family of origin and reflect on the words received throughout our lives that intentionally or unintentionally violated what God says about us. We must consider the impact that painful life experiences have had on us and understand that God did not cause them, but was in them with us. Although we cannot change the past, we can learn from it and use it to help others. The key to the freedom journey is to face our reality, bring our brokenness to God for healing, and determine which voice we will allow to shape our lives. Joseph’s life illustrates these themes.

Reflection Questions:

1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     In your family of origin, what messages were imparted to you about the following areas: (a) money, (b) anger (c) conflict, (d) trust, and (e) relationships?  How have those messages been reflected in your life choices?

3.     What are some things that have been spoken about you that have become a part of your inner voice? How have they impacted your life?

4.     What life experiences have contributed to your inner voice or how you see yourself?

5.     It was said that to deny your reality will not help your reality. What does this mean to you?

6.     It was also said that feelings that do not go through you will rot in you. What does this mean to you?


Unseen Anatomy: The Wall Pt. 2


Sermon Recap: Unseen Anatomy - Going Back to Move Forward