Sermon Recap - The Unwelcome Intruder

Pastor Pierre duPlessis

Read: Romans 7:16-24 TPT; Romans 8: 3, 9, 12, 13; Proverbs 23:7

Sermon Recap

Romans 7 in TPT talks about an ‘unwelcome intruder’ or as Pastor Pierre stated, ‘your roommate’ or ‘inner voice’ that is constantly talking in the background, seemingly drawing us away from the things of God. It’s the inner voice that we all have that wants to control our actions or beliefs. It’s a part of being human. But is that voice true? When we ignore this voice, it only seems to grow louder making it harder and harder to lean into spiritual transformation. Salvation is necessary for salvation. Sanctification is God’s desire for us to be restored into the image of Jesus. If our lowest expectation from God is “I just want to get to heaven”, we are misunderstanding Jesus. Jesus didn’t come to just rescue you from hell, he came to rescue you from the unwelcome intruder. Although the unwelcome intruder is part of being human, we can be free from it controlling our lives.

Truth about the unwelcome intruder, the ‘inner voice’:

  1. You are not your inner voice

  2. Willpower is powerless

How we interact with the inner voice:

  1. Observe the conversation between you and the intruder. That voice is often neurotic, judgmental, fearful, accusatory, etc. It’s always rationalizing its way to compromise. We need to observe the voice of the intruder and expose it for what it is- the false accuser.

  2. Observe the voice, but don’t let it rule your mind and heart. Proverbs 23:7- “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

What will save me from the inner voice?

Sanctification and renewing of the mind.

Listening to the spirit of God through prayer, the Word and wise, godly counsel

Group Questions:

  1. Do you ever struggle with an inner voice? If so, what are the lies it’s telling you?

  2. Romans 8:3 references the law being unable to accomplish what God achieved because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature. Do you ever put your trust in your own willpower to subdue the inner voice?

  3. What are some ways that you observe and quiet that voice?

  4. Do you have trusted, godly friends you have shared this wrestle with?

  5. Romans 8:13 speaks about living in the life of the spirit that puts to death the ways of the ‘unwelcome intruder’ and a means to taste abundant life. What does that look like for you?


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