Sermon Recap: Who are You?

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: Psalm 8:3-6 MSG , Psalm 139: 13-16 MSG, Genesis 2:7, VOICE, Isaiah 64:8 NIV

Who are you? When asked this question, we normally say our name and who we belong to ( someone’s wife, someone’s mom, etc) or what we do (our occupation.) But we are not what we are on the outside.

How much worth and value do we have? This answer is often determined by culture. We answer this question with our education, accomplishments, influence and the stuff we own. Does any of this, or lack of this change our value? When we begin to buy into the lie that how we live life can add or substrate our eternal worth to god, we think we can’t have imperfections. The voice of the accuser gets louder and louder. Revelation 12:19

Verse 5 in Psalm 8 ways we are honored like royalty - regardless if we feel like it. Imagine if we truly believed that.

In the Garden, Adam and Eve they never hid or had shame. But Sin entered the garden because they were trying to be self reliant. Just like God, independent from him. And over time making has continued to hide out true selves and find our value and belonging in achievements, status, wealth, accolades, occupation… the list goes on.

Consider clay. It is but dust and dirt, wirth no price. And yet, scripture tells us we are made of clay. Isaiah 64:8 What determines our value is not the clay but the potter who shapes it. In Genesis, God spoke everything into existence but when creating banking, God himself scooped out the dirt, got his hands dirty and marvelously made humans in his image. Genesis 2:7 It is the breath that breathes life that what gives me worth. Regardless of I will aver achieve, how many times I fail or how many sins I commit, my value and the value of others is in Christ alone.

Sermon Questions for Group Leaders

  1. When people ask who you are what do you typically say? *leader tip: listen to everyone’s answers and highlight how many reference their occupation, their family position (mother, son, etc) or talents

  2. People tend to determine their value based on their achievements, things or occupation. Do any of these resonate with your temptation to find value?

  3. Pastor Pierre spoke about how failure can make us believe we have less worth or strengthen our testimony. Have you ever failed and it became a way to deepen your character and testimony or made you feel less than?

  4. Have there ever been words spoken over you that echo in the back of your mind about your worth?

  5. Is there a relationship in your life that reminds you where your value really lies?  Is so, what is it about that relationship that remind you of your true value?

  6. When you read the words of psalm 139: 13-16 what do you take away?


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