Sermon Recap - For the Love of God

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: John 1:38, John 21:15, Proverbs 4:23, Philippians 1:9-11, Galatians 4:14

  1. It was said that apathy in our hearts sets in over time through passivity and suffering. Do you feel an apathy in your heart towards God? 

  1. In John 1:38 Jesus says to his disciples, “What do you want?” If you are really honest, what would your answer be?

  2. In John 21:15 Jesus asked Simon if he loved him, not “What are you doing for me.” Do you ever begin to feel that your love and acceptance from God comes from what you do for God? If so, what happens when you feel you are doing “all the right things” and nothing changes?

  3. It was said, “We are what we love” referencing Proverbs 4:23 “Now watch over your heart with all diligence. From it flows the wellspring of life.” What in your life has begun to take the place of God? These could even be good things that have become idols over time.

  4. Setting small goals and changing your routine were 2 suggested ways to combat apathy. Have you tried either of these strategies? Have you found success or struggled? 

  5. How are you planning on engaging in the January Journey that focuses on spiritual disciplines? Are you excited, dreading it, apathetic?

  6. What is one thing you are asking God for in January? How can we be praying for you?


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