Mother’s Day - Life is Beautiful

Pastor Marlize du Plessis

This special Mothers’ Day service was led by Pastor Marlize and featured a panel of five mothers who shared their unique motherhood stories and the ways in which God has worked in their lives:

Danielle had a strong desire to be a mother but was deterred by infertility for a season. When her three children became a part of her family, she recognized the multi-faceted roles of motherhood and felt pressure to become the perfect mother to her bi-racial children. She learned that children don’t require perfection, but rather that parents that are fully present.

Crystal shared what it’s like to do motherhood solo. After a miscarriage, she was delighted to bring her lovely daughter into the world, although without the support of her father. She has leaned on her heritage of single-parent family members and has learned that she too is strong, capable and able to do motherhood solo and fully enjoy it.

Avis shared how she never really knew her biological father, spent some of her early years in foster care and suffered various abuses as a child. She is now the proud mother of two adult children and a grandmother. She has had to fight for her children’s well-being and has learned to give her hurts to God and to use her story to heal others.

Kim spoke of the unique experience as an immigrant mother from South Africa with three children, two of which are also immigrants, and the challenges of remaining in America. Around this and other issues she struggled with fear and anxiety and the possibility of her children having to be separated from her and out of the country. She has learned to chase after community and to sow the hospitality she needs to reap.

Esther spoke of her experience with postpartum depression and issues of control with her three small strong-willed children. She learned that one cannot always control every environment and that mothers should always have a pair of jeans, work to keep the long-term goal in mind, appreciate children’s questions and not see them as an inconvenience and pray God’s protection over your children.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What resonated with you as you listened to or reviewed this service?

  2. To which of these stories do you most closely relate?

  3. If you were asked to share your motherhood or fatherhood story, what would you share?

  4. What specific struggles have you experienced as a mother or father?

  5. What specific lessons have you learned about motherhood or fatherhood?

  6. Given the opportunity, what specific tips would you share with a new mother or new father?

  7. Why do you suppose God allows mothers or fathers to experience the struggles of parenthood?


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