Mind Games: Part 4 - Finding Peace

Speaker: Pastor Josh Jansen

Read: Isaiah 26:1-4

We are all susceptible to the grip of fear and anxiety at times, especially when certain circumstances come our way. We have learned that fear paralyzes faith and will always point to what we do not have. It is such a powerful drug that we sometimes feed it without realizing that we are building an addiction to it. We can become so accustomed to fear that it will handicap our ability to find peace. Therefore, we must guard against allowing the whims of life becoming the anchor of our souls.

Isaiah relays a powerful message to us about trust and peace. We are encouraged to trust God and find peace with our freedom. As believers we have salvation which provides us with a wall of protection and allows us the freedom to live within the walls. Our mind needs a wall and boundaries that guard against the infiltration of enemy forces that seek to overcome our peace with fear. We also live in a culture that is often counterintuitive to the principles of our faith, but we can trust God and still find peace in the culture wherein we live. Some of us have frantic minds, yet we can find peace if we trust God with our minds. We must fix our minds on Jesus regardless of the circumstances as our thoughts are the gateway to trust and unflappable dependence on God. For the metronome of a mind fixed on Jesus will be steadfast and have perfect peace.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. It was said that we have a tendency to lookback on our younger self with grace and patience. What would you tell your 10-year younger self?

  3. What are the thoughts that disturb your peace? How do you deal with them?

  4. It was said that we are not in Jerusalem, but we in Rochester are in Babylon. What does this mean to you? What does this say about the culture we live in?

  5. A metronome is a practice tool that produces a steady beat to help musicians play rhythms accurately. How is a metronome of our mind fixed on Jesus analogous to this device?

  6. It was said that fear and anxiety are married and anchored to the whims of life and that trust and peace are married and are anchored to the presence of God. What does this mean to you?

  7. It was suggested that some people feed their fear and become addicted to it. How can we feed our fear? How can we feed our faith?


Mother’s Day - Life is Beautiful


Mind Games: Part 3 - Fear or Faith