The Least of These

Pastor Pierre du Plessis

Read: Psalm 68:5-6; Matthew 25:31-46; 1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 8:1-4; Philippians 4:18-20; James 1:27, 2:26

The human race longs for justice and when it is not received, we know something is out of joint. Although justice is sometimes hard to define and even harder to put into practice, it implies impartiality and fairness and brings the world back into balance. This passionate longing for justice comes from the creator God Himself and He desires it more than any religious project or activity we can offer. He is concerned about the fatherless, widows, prisoners and orphans and any who suffer needlessly. As His followers, we are to care about the things that concern Him. If we love Him, we are to do what He has commanded that we do. We are to work in partnership with Him, becoming His hands and feet to achieve what He desires to do on the earth. We are to put our faith into action and become actively involved in meeting the needs of the less fortunate. For Jesus declares in the Book of Matthew that whatever we do for the hungry, thirsty, imprisoned and the least of these, that we have done it for Him. Likewise, whatever we have failed to do for the least of these, we have failed to do for Him.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. What does the word “justice” mean to you? In what situations do you long to see justice prevail?

  3. Read Matthew 25:31-46. This Scripture implies that however we treat others is how we are treating Jesus. What are your thoughts when you read and reflect on this passage?

  4. It was implied that some confuse “love” with “feelings,” and said that feelings are actually the result of doing loving things. What does this mean to you? In what ways could you apply this principle?

  5. It was said that “indifference” is the biggest threat to faith. What does this mean to you?

  6. What are ways Christians can meet some of the needs of the fatherless, orphans, imprisoned, hungry, thirsty, homeless or least of these?

  7. Given your resources and abilities, what specifically can you do to meet the needs of some of the least of these?


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