Bless Up: Stuff or Stories

Speaker: Pastor Pierre duPlessis

Read: Psalm 22:1; Matthew 6:21; Luke 16:1-14

Jesus talked about money more than He talked about heaven, not because money is more important, but because He knew that money has the power to own us. He knew that for many, getting and having money could become such a priority that it would destroy relationships and even take the place of God in one’s life. We need to understand that money is not ours.  We do not own any of it, but are only stewards given the opportunity to manage God’s resources. It is a tool, not a goal given as a means to an end that goes beyond us. It provides the ability to partner with heaven and to express love and freedom to mimic The Father’s love and generosity to the world.

God is faithful to provide for us and we are tested everyday as managers of His blessings. He looks to see if we will promote our own self-interest or acknowledge and promote the One to whom it belongs. Will we seek after stuff or stories? Will we invest in a temporal earth today or invest in an eternal future? We cannot serve both God and money, but where our treasure is, there will also be our heart.



1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     If money has the power to take God’s place in our lives, how can one tell if money has become an idol in his life? What would be some indicators?

3.     What is the difference between seeking after stuff verses seeking after stories?

4.     How can we use money to invest in an eternal future rather than a temporal earth today?

5.     It was said that giving is how we direct our hearts to the Kingdom of God. What does this mean to you?

6.     Read Luke 16:1-14. Here Jesus tells a parable of a dishonest but shrewd (clever) manager. According to v.9, what did the manager do that brought him praise? What can we learn from this?

7.     Read v. 10-12 in the same passage. How would you explain this in your own words?


Bless Up: God First


The Beatitudes: Blessed are the Pure in Heart