The Beatitudes: Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Speaker: Pastor CJ Cody

Read: Psalm 24:3-4, 51:10, 119:9; Matthew 5:8; James 4:8

We are living in a world of impurity. All around us are temptations to do impure things. It is a culture that gratifies the outside, not realizing they are crumbling on the inside. People tend to do things for the glamor it brings, or they seek the praise of others for the earthy rewards that brings. But as disciples of Christ, our motives should be different. We are to seek heavenly rewards and involve ourselves in kingdom living. We need to have a pure heart to be able to see God.


At salvation, God will clean us up and purify us. But it is up to us to keep ourselves pure. Yet in reality, we lack the ability to do so in our own strength. To have a pure heart, we must stay close to God. We must get in His presence and seek His wisdom and guidance. We can find strength by reading His Word and by doing what it says. Then we will be granted access to Him and all Hiss fullness.



1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     What does it mean to you to be “pure in heart?”

3.     It was said that if we feel distant from God, it is not because God moved. What does

this mean to you to you?

4.     Read James 4:8. What are some practical ways we can do what this verse instructs us to do?

5.     What do you see as the correlation between having a pure heart and being able to see God?

6.     Psalm 119:9 asks the question: How can a young man keep his way pure? What are some challenges young and older people face in keeping our way pure? Also read verses 9-16, what thoughts are given?


Bless Up: Stuff or Stories


Beatitudes: Blessed are the Merciful