Bless Up: God First

Speaker: Pastors Pierre and Josh Jansen

Read: Galatians 1:16, 5:22-23, Luke 16: 13-14, Mathew 6:8, 6:33, Mathew 7:11, Mathew 20:26, 1 Corinthians 16:2, Deuteronomy 14:23 (TLB)

Sermon Recap:
Jesus talked about money more than any other topic in the bible. Why? Because money can quickly control us if we let it and we can not serve two masters. The truth is that money makes a better servant than a master. Today, many feel extreme anxiety and pressure about finances. We purse containment through material objects, success and what we consume. But God’s Kingdom is different. Mathew 20: 26 reminds is that whoever wants to become the greatest is called to be a servant. We are called to use our money for the service of God’s Kingdom. When we live generous lives, it breaks the paralyzing control of fear. In a culture that screams we will never have enough, giving to God’s Kingdom declares with God there is always enough. The evidence that we are followers os Jesus can be seen in how we live our lives. Are we putting God First by giving to the Churchand those in need?

Discussion Questions:
1. What challenged or provoked you in this message?

2. Is it difficult for you to talk about finances and giving? Why or why not?
3. Do you feel there is pressure from culture to find contentment in what we can achieve or consume?

4. Had you considered before that our finances are a tool that God wants to work through to bring restoration to our world?

5. What is one step that you can take to live a more generous life?


Bless Up: The Tale of Two Givers


Bless Up: Stuff or Stories