Congrats on your upcoming wedding!


We’re here to help you from engagement to wedding day.

Thank you for considering The Father’s House (“TFH”) as part of your special day. This includes pastors to officiate the ceremony, Prayer Chapel venue rental, and premarital counseling to help prepare you both for a beautiful marriage ahead.


Wedding Services


Officiant Services


Officiants are available for weddings at the chapel and offsite weddings up to 60 miles away. An additional $25 fee is applied to weddings 40-60 miles away. Your officiant will make initial contact and meet with you one month before your wedding to review the ceremony.


Pre-Marital Counseling


We believe God has a wonderful plan for your life and for your marriage! As you consider the sacred covenant of marriage, we want to make the preparation experience a positive and rewarding one for you. One of the greatest ways to prepare is to participate in an in-depth premarital program.  

We require premarital counseling for every couple for whom we officiate. We use the Prepare and Enrich curriculum, which is utilized nation-wide by churches and private counseling services. It consists of an online survey, which will help determine the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship, followed by three mentoring sessions with a mentoring couple.

Our pre-marriage mentoring couples are not professional counselors.  They are mature couples with strong marriages, who love to help equip engaged couples to have a great marriage. We require a 6 month time frame from the time of your premarital application until your wedding date in order to be eligible to go through premarital at TFH. If you choose to complete counseling outside of TFH, curriculum must be Scripture-based and a minimum of 6 hours completed.


Chapel Rental


The Prayer Chapel is located across from our Chili Campus at 692 Paul Rd, Rochester, NY 14624. Covid Considerations: As the NYS guidelines shift regarding covid restrictions on gatherings, we will update couples.