The Wonder of Christmas: Wounded Victor

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: Genesis 3:1-16, 22:18; Matthew 1:1-17; Galatians 3:16; Ephesians 3:10

As a result of the deception of Satan, Adam and Eve doubted God and caused mankind to fall. Consequently, God responded that there would be an eternal battle between the seed of the woman and the rebellious angels. From woman’s seed would come a wounded victor who would crush Satan’s head. Since then Satan has been vigilant and determined to corrupt her bloodline, to close wombs, and to steal, kill and destroy righteousness and God’s crown Jewel. But God’s purposes cannot be thwarted. He raised up Abraham and promised that through his seed, Christ, that all nations of the earth would be blessed. The Gospel of Matthew starts with Abraham and records the 40 ancestors that preceded Jesus. Therein each of their lives is a story that reflect the traps of Satan designed to upset God’s plan, repeated failure, and God’s faithfulness in rescuing them.

As Satan’s was determined to sever and disrupt the seed of woman, in the same way he is determined to sever and disrupt the righteous seed of the children of Abraham which includes every believer that has faith and their offspring. He uses the same traps to kill our faith and cause us to become apathetic and disconnected from the mission. He wants our faith to become so sterile that it is not reproduced in our children. He wants us to promote ourselves, go ahead of God and to violate his timing. We must remain vigilant and not allow any of Satan’s tactics to shake our faith, corrupt our bloodline, or destroy our legacy of righteousness.



1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it.

2.     What does the phrase, “wounded victor” suggest to you?

3.     It was said that we need to watch out for the trap of trusting in what God promises more than the God of the promise. What does this mean to you? How might this be a trap?

4.     It was said that our faith is the loudest in the wait and not in the promise. What does this mean to you? How have you experienced this?

5.     How does understanding the genealogy of Jesus listed in the Gospel of Matthew help us recapture the wonder of Christmas?

6.     What are ways we can contend with Satan and fight for the legacy of righteousness in our families?

7.     It was said that we should never underestimate the power of deception. Given that, what are ways we can protect ourselves from the deception of the enemy?


Rediscovering the Wonder of Christmas: Women in the Genealogy


The Wonder of Christmas