The Wonder of Christmas

Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis

Read: Genesis 3:1-16; Matthew 1:1-17

It is the Christmas season when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. The Gospel of Matthew announces this occasion, but before getting to the name of Jesus lists 40 other names and 42 generations that precede Him. In this season, we are reminded that God created man to be a reflection of His character, a representative of His rule, and to harness creation’s potential to create more beauty and order. His quest was for man to love Him, but for the sake of love and being loved, He risked giving man free will – the ability to choose.

Lucifer, knowing of God’s desire and aspiring to be god himself, set out to seduce man and to cause him to rebel against God. From man’s sin came the fall which was and still is based on man not being satisfied in God and what He gives, and a hunger for something else. The fall brought shame, blame, separation from God and things spiraled out of control. But God’s plan went into action. Despite Lucifer’s actions, from the offspring of a woman God’s righteousness would be established, and through the 40 names and 42 generations listed in Matthew would come a wounded victor who would be the only One to satisfy man’s hunger for more.

Reflection Questions:

1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it? 

2.     What does it mean that we have lost the wonder of Christmas?

3.     Why do you think Matthew lists 40 names, 42 generations and 308 words before giving the name of Jesus?

4.     It was said that love that is not given from a free will is not love at all. What does this mean to you?

5.     It was said that because Satan could not kill the baby, he wants to corrupt the seed. What does this mean to you?

6.     Read Genesis 3:15. In your own words, explain what God said would happen after fall.

7.     It was said that we are in this story. How so?


The Wonder of Christmas: Wounded Victor


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