The Table of the  Lord

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Scripture References: Luke 24:30, 22:16, 19,, 24-27; Rev 19:9, Prov.20:27, Eph. 4:32, 1Cor 11:17-  20, 27-31

Discussion Questions

  1. What resonated with you as you listened to the sermon and review?

  2. What should coming to the Lord’s table bring that ordinary gatherings do not?

  3. Read Luke 24:30.  What part of that verse stands out to you? Why?

  4. How are we brought into alignment when we discern the presence of Christ at the Table?

  5. What is the only reason we can sit around the Lord’s table in the first place?

  6. Why can the Table be called an equalizer? 

  7. Much is done at the Table when Christ’s presence is observed. What else can the Table expose in us? (See 1 Cor. 11:17-20). What does Paul warn us about when we come to the Table? How do you prepare your heart and mind to be at the Table of the Lord?

  8. Read Ephesians 4:32 to see the difference honoring Christ's presence makes. How does it impact you?

  9. How can communion at the Table be described as a “ rehearsal dinner for what is to come?”

  10. Pastor described the biggest threat to our faith is to know of Him, and not know Him. How can this statement be perceived as an invitation and not a condemnation?

  11. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom and alignment and reconciliation. How so?.

Sermon Recap

When we partake of Holy Communion, we are invited to the Lord’s Table. As we do so, God wants us to understand communion that extends beyond our ritual practices …He desires us to expand to  Kingdom living: not just faith understanding. In other words, maybe what we've become culturally used to, is minute compared to what God is inviting us to. So we say we GATHER  to be with Jesus, we GROW to become like Jesus, we CONTRIBUTE to do what Jesus did. As temples of the Living God, we carry His presence in flawed, ordinary human bodies.This is how God is glorified: when we, as ordinary, selfish humans demonstrate compassion, and kindness, it gets noticed… and God gets the glory. 

One of the first things we must recognize about the Lord’s Table is that it is far more than a liturgical ritual using a mini cup of juice and wafer. Historically, it was a meal. Something happens when we GATHER to have a meal…there is a closeness, a camaraderie that comes with shared meals.  Luke 24:30, tells of a shared meal Jesus had with two men he met  on the road to Emmaus.That, as they broke bread their eyes were opened, and they knew Him. 

It was God’s idea to make human beings a partner in the sharing at the Lord’s table. He allows us, though imperfect, to participate in this holy observance.  1 Corinthians 11:17-20, describes what happens though, when the church loses sight of the Lord’s presence, and the purpose and meaning of the Observance. There were divisions, factions, and selfishness displayed where there should have been harmony, charity and grace.. Paul goes on to remind them what holy communion looks like in verses 27-31 of that same chapter, when Christ’s presence is honored- there is charity, grace and unity of mind and spirit.

 We have begun to lament the loss of the closeness in  gatherings due to our excessive attachments to the internet and cell phones in these modern times. .  People have lost the art of being fully present, even when present in body. Once again we must be taught and practice  the purpose of  holy communion: Never forget Christ’s presence at the Table.  As we move closer to the Table, into the very care of Christ’s presence, He draws us into submission to Him as Lord.


The Table of the Lord: Moving From Observance to Practice


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