The Table of the Lord: Moving From Observance to Practice

Speaker: Pastor Pierre duPlessis

Scripture References: I Corinthians 11:17-34

What was your overall response to the Pastor's interactive take on the Lord’s Supper?  In what ways did it make a difference for you, if any.

  1. What are we to remember as we sit at the Lord’s Table?

  2. Read 1 Corinthians 11:17. Describe the process of examining yourself.  Why is this important before partaking in the Lord’s Supper?

  3. CanI freely partake of the Lord’s Supper after examining myself? Why or why not.

  4. In what ways does God’s kingdom come to bear as we sit at the Table?

  5. How did you respond to the following questions on the interactive card that was distributed:

    • What are you thankful for as you reflect on the Lord’s Supper?

    • God’s presence shapes our priorities. Where in your life is a reordering of priorities needed?

    • At the Table, we are reminded that to open ourselves to healing, we need forgiveness.  Using discretion, for what do you need forgiveness?

    • At the Table we recognize our need for reconciliation. To whom do I need to extend forgiveness?

    • The Table always points to renewal-God’s Kingdom at work through us. Where, and to whom can you extend generosity?

  6. On a scale of 1 (extremely hard, to 10,very easy) how beneficial or meaningful was it for you to write down your responses?

  7. What was your response to sharing the elements of Communion with others, and praying for them?

Sermon Summary

As Believers, our desire is to make Communion more than a cognitive belief in Christ, but to also make it the expression of the practice of our faith in a tangible way,  It’s become too easy to see Communion as little more than a three minute slot of time, a thin slice of what we understand the Table of the Lord to be. We are reminded that as we gather, Christ promised His Presence to be there. He is the Center at the Table. We are sitting under the Kingdom of God and His Domain. Jesus is the Head of the Church, and as we sit, we are reminded of what Christ has done.

The way we can participate in this moment is to be present. Being present is beautiful, but hard. Nothing else matters beyond this moment.  We must work to stay focused, all of our senses, and our awareness is on being present, because God through the Holy Spirit is there. We are reminded to not just recall the historical fact, but to to inhabit the moment. 

Using the interactive card, we were led to practice the observance of the Lord’s Supper by answering pointed questions about our readiness to participate by examining ourselves, and writing our responses down on the card. Sharing the bread and cup with someone close to you, and praying for them,was an opportunity to lean in, a chance to develop a new muscle of participation in each of us.


The Table of the Lord: Us as the Host


The Table of the  Lord