The Good Beautiful and Kind: Loving Well

Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis

Read: Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:12-16, 17-26, 10:38-42

Four men, who likely had heard of how Jesus had healed the leper, had faith to believe He could heal their paralytic companion if they could get him in Jesus’ proximity. Filled with love, compassion and empathy, they did what he could not do for himself and carried him on a mat. When they arrived at the house, they were unable to find a way in due to the crowd. But refusing to give up, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd right in front of Jesus. Because of their determined efforts the man was spiritually and physically made whole.

After healing many and ministering throughout the region, Jesus came to a village where two sisters lived. Martha was disturbed as she was busy making sure all the preparations were done for their guest, and instead of helping, Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to what He said. They both loved Jesus but had different ways of showing it, for both serving and sitting at Jesus’ feet bring honor to Him. And both are needed in our churches today.  It is important that Marthas be able to periodically sit at Jesus’ feet and for Marys to periodically serve in some capacity. Both are expressions of love, and loving well is at the heart of following Jesus.


  1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. Who do you know that needs to be brought in the proximity of Jesus? Are you comfortable inviting them to church?

  3. What are reasons we might hesitate inviting others to church? Why is it important that we do so?

  4. It was said that there is no way to reach people in sin without getting close to them. What does this mean to you?

  5. Who do you more closely relate to? Are you more of a Mary or a Martha? Explain why you answered as you did.

  6. In what ways do you serve in the church? What are reasons people may hesitate to serve in the church? What is the end result of too few people serving?

  7. What does it mean to sit at Jesus’ feet? What is the value of doing this? What is the end result of not doing this?


Palm Sunday: The Misunderstood Entry


Good, Beautiful and Kind - Resolving Conflict