Pressed: The Parable of the Fruit Tree

Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis

READ Psalm 92:13-14; Luke 13:1-9; Romans 15:2; Ephesians 2:10


After hearing concerns about the demise of some Galileans at the hands of Pilate and others who were killed by the Tower of Siloam, Jesus acknowledged the calamities but noted it was not necessarily because they were worse sinners, but in reality, everyone will one day die and will need to examine the productivity of their lives. He then connects the concerns to a parable about a man planting a fig tree in his vineyard. In the parable, God is the owner of the vineyard, Jesus is the gardener and we are the fig tree. God’s vineyard includes those planted in His house, the church. He has given each of us talents, abilities, personality and everything we need to flourish and be productive in accomplishing the works He has planned beforehand that we would do for His house, in service to others, and for the restoration of the world. Some may struggle with understanding their life’s purpose, but His plan is far greater than what we know. God never intended for His sons and daughters to live for themselves. We are meant to lift, not lean; to help, not hinder; and to contribute and not sit passively like a sponge. Being fruitful requires making some sacrifices, and not being self-preserving. When one is self- preserving, that is when he becomes parasitic and focuses on only absorbing what he can get. Thankfully, God is patient and will allow time for us to be cultivated, but He will not force us to be fruitful. For only the tree has the power to be fruitful and display its own willingness to surrender self-preservation. A fruitless tree risks being cut down, or in other words, fails to fulfill its potential and invites the consequences of judgment. We are encouraged to understand where God has ordained for us to be in this season and to be fruitful in the places He has planted us.


1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2. Jesus spoke in many parables. Define the word “parable” and explain it in your own words. Why do you think Jesus spoke in parables?

3. It was said that if God plants us in a place (a church, a certain job, community or organization), there is a reason. What does this mean to you? For what reason do you think God has planted you where you are?

4. What does it mean to you to be fruitful? In what ways can you be fruitful in your church? In your home? On your job? In your community?

5. It was said that a fruit cannot release its internal nourishment without sacrificing self- preservation. What does this mean to you? Give a practical example of how this works with an actual piece of fruit. How does this work if we are seeking to be fruitful in our lives?

6. Since God has planned beforehand what we are to do, how do we go about understanding what He has in mind for us? How do we determine our purpose in life?

7. What would you say to someone who feels they have wasted their life or have made too many mistakes for God to use them?


A Journey through Doubt


Pressed: An Invite to be Fruitful