Pressed: An Invite to be Fruitful

Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis

Read: Genesis 1:28, 22:18; Numbers 11:16-17; John 15:13; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 2:13


1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2. God commanded us to be fruitful, to multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion. In what ways can we multiply? In what ways can we subdue and have dominion?

3. What does it look like to be fruitful? How can we become fruitful? What keeps us from being fruitful?

4. What is the difference between working for God and working with God?

5. How can we become tethered or tied to God? What does it mean to walk in syncopation with God?

6. Read Exodus 18:17-23 and Numbers 11:10-17.What does it mean to have delegated authority? What are some advantages of giving delegated authority? In what situations have you experienced delegated authority?

7. God’s plan from the beginning was that through Abraham’s descendants, all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Gen. 22:18). How has this prophecy been manifested?


Many people think that life is all about working, making money, buying things, building a family, having fun, and then dying. As believers, we too are in this world, but not of the world and should not think as the world thinks. We need to realize that our lives have a greater purpose as we are also on a mission field with God. In the beginning when God made man, He gave them the directive to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth, to subdue it and to have dominion over it. As he gave this assignment, He also blessed man, giving him divine favor and the ability to be able to be successful. In so doing, God has given us delegated authority or the ability to act in His stead to accomplish those things which He has prepared beforehand to fulfill His good will. We are His masterpiece as we have been created anew in Christ. When we work with God, we have the ability to be fruitful and to do the things He planned in advance for us to do. Scripture tells us that we are co-workers with God. As His partners, we are to be tethered or tied to Him, going where He goes, following where He leads, and joining Him in what He is already doing. His activity always flows from and is connected to His love and the act of giving. When we consider all He has done for us, we are to respond in love and practice fruitfulness by partnering with Him in His restorative work on earth. We are to be a light in dark places and to create a path for others to come to Him. Wherever we go, we are to be a manifestation of God’s fruitfulness.


Pressed: The Parable of the Fruit Tree


Invite to Practice the Presence of People