Nature of Wisdom: Part 4

Speaker: Josh and Esther Jansen

Josh’s Message

Read: Proverbs 27:6, 12, 17; 18:24

Wisdom is the scaffolding we should build life on, rather than simply living by happenstance which often leads to trouble. Many of our friendships are also based on chance and the friendships we develop can also determine our future. We tend to become friends with those with whom we have things in common and we generally appreciate the affirmations they give us. But a true friend who has our best interest at heart may have to give us unpleasant feedback at times and we can be sure it is for our own good. By contrast, an enemy, one who really doesn’t love us, may say kind words, withhold the truth from us, but then go to others to talk about us. True friendships are built on honesty and vulnerability, and Jesus is the best friend we can have.

 Discussion Questions

1.     How comfortable are you with being honest with your friends? What holds you back?

2.     Why is it sometimes challenging to allow ourselves to be vulnerable?

3.     Read Proverbs 27:17. What does ‘iron sharpens iron’ mean to you? 

4.     Read Proverbs 18:24. What does this verse seem to be saying to you?

Esther’s Message

Read: Proverbs 3:21-26; John 14:15-18, 16:7

God wants us to live a life without stumbling. If we are wise, He promised us safety, sweet sleep without fear of disaster or the kind of ruin that overtakes the wicked. His wisdom is different from that of the world because it is given by the Holy Spirit. It does not always look the same for each person, but as we develop our relationship with God and depend on His Spirit, we will experience discernment, sound judgment, and gain understanding of God’s direction and insight for our lives.

 Discussion Questions:

1.     Why should we not compare our journey with that of others?

2.     How is the wisdom of the world different from that which comes from the Holy Spirit?

3.     Proverbs 3:21 admonishes that we preserve sound judgment and discernment. What is the difference between the two?

4.     How does it make you feel to know that God has your back?

5.     What resonated with you as you listened to and reviewed these sermons?


No Strangers Here: God Has a Name


Nature of Wisdom: Pt 3