Nature of Wisdom: Part 2

Speakers: Carey Tanzola and Daron Ladson

Read: James 1: 5-8, James 3:13 (Daron’s message)
Read: Genesis 1-3, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 3: 1-2, 5-7, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 16:19, Proverbs 16:32, Proverbs 17:9, Proverbs 8:22-31, 1 Corinthians 1: 26-31 (Carey’s Message)

Sermon Summary - Daron’s Message

The book of James is often referred to as the New Testament wisdom book. James was writing a letter to the different Jewish Christian communities as they experiences pressure from within their differing communities, discrimination and differing ideologies. In his letters, James redirects the church back to God and explains that he’s willing and able to give wisdom whenever asked. He advises them to not be swayed or divided. He gives them attributes of wisdom to know what wisdom looks like.

Discussion Questions
1. It was said that the Jewish Christians in this time were experiencng pressure within as well as external pressure. Have you ever experienced this? If so, where did you turn for wisdom?
2. It was said that God is always willing to give us wisdom if we ask for it. Do you normally turn to God when you need insight or understandng?

3. What challenged you in this message?

Sermon Summary - Carey’s Message
Godly wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord is cultivated through relationship with god. It produces trust, reverence and a willingness to obey God because you know that he is good and faithful to fulfill his promises. We can ask for wisdom but without fear of the Lord, we will likely fail to use that wisdom as God has intended. We see examples of this with King Solomon. He failed to submit all of his ways to God and there were consequences. We also see this in Adam and Eve in Genesis 1-3. Wisdom was there when God created mankind in perfect relationship and all of their needs were provided for. God explained that one tree in the garden, the tree of Knowledge of good and evil (destruction, harm) was forbidden because it would bring death. Adam and Eve choice to pursue knowledge independent from God by eating of the tree of knowledge and they experienced consequences. There was division between them, they were ashamed and they hid fromGod. This pattern is seen all through the old testament. That is why Jesus became wisdom. We can access wisdom through our relationship with Jesus at any time.

Discussion Questions

  1. How did the definition of the fear of the Lord (trust, reverence, relationship, obedience) challenge your definition of the fear of the Lord?

  2. It was said that Godly wisdom often looks like world foolishness. Have you ever had a time when this was true in your won life?

  3. What challenged or provided you the most in this message?


Nature of Wisdom: Pt 3


Nature of Wisdom: Proverbs Intro