Suspending all Physical Church Gatherings

Hey Church,

We’ve been closely tracking the news of the coronavirus (COVID-19) both locally and globally. New York governor, Andrew Cuomo in his State Address today (3.12.20) has notified our State to reduce the density of large gatherings. 

As this virus is primarily spread through close contact, we want to take immediate measures at The Father's House:

  1. We have made the decision to suspend all our physical church gatherings, at all our various locations and extensions this Sunday, March 15th we will be communicating ongoing updates about ongoing next steps.  

  2. This decision will also position us to support and work with our Rochester Health Care officials who are managing the crisis, to not overwhelm our local health care system.  

  3. Our Sisterhood Event for March 25, is being postponed until further notice.  We will release a plan to address refunds and further plans.

  4. We will be redirecting our church family to our Church Online experience this Sunday. ( In addition, we are launching a secondary LIVE button, with a hosted online experience for kids from our TFH Kids Teams. Church Online is designed to bring us together for worship, a message, live chat rooms with online community, giving, and prayer.

  5. Connecting with people virtually will become so important over the next few days and weeks.  We will gather again in our locations, knowing there is nothing like face to face community. However,  In the meantime, we are growing our ability to do life together in a different way.  Our digital world is here to stay - and this creates accelerated innovation to our online experiences,  for which we are grateful.  

  6. In times of uncertainty, people need to be encouraged in their faith, experience God’s presence and stay in community with others.  Our approach will be faith AND wisdom. Our staff and teams are monitoring updates from the (CDC), the World Health Organization, partnering with local officials, medical professionals, other churches and leaders of large organizations in our city. 

  7. We are taking all the necessary precautions. We are thinking through all our ministries, experiences, extensions and outreaches and will be providing specific updates as available.

  8. We wholeheartedly believe that life change happens in the context of community. As a result, we have prepared an alternative way for groups to meet online as we acknowledge that many are facing legitimate fear and risk.  This allows us to still connect for prayer, conversation, and community- right from our own homes. 

In addition, we will adjust our plans based on the update we receive.

Our Staff will continue to stay connected as we wisely navigate ongoing working procedures to ensure we are doing all to support decisions being made while supporting our church community. 

We will provide necessary updates the following way:

Our Update Release Page (, Social Media, Emails,Text Threads and will attempt to get all cancellations on our local news stations.  These links will be shared and posted on multiple platforms for you to get on board. 

As tough as this situation is, we are looking for the God opportunities in this crisis. We remind you that in a world that is anxious and uncertain, we still get to share the hope of resurrection and the power of a God who suffers with them. One way or another, this crisis will pass.  With God’s help, wise counsel and strong leadership, we will get through this together

In the meantime, we ask that you stay prayerful for our world and community, other churches in our region all our emergency and care workers and specifically for those who are directly impacted by this virus.  

Please lean in and prepare yourself for online gatherings. Let’s stay connected. This is a time where we need each other. See you online!

With love,
Pierre & Marlize du Plessis
Senior Pastors

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Join Online for Live Prayer: Sunday at 6pm