Sermon Recap - The Psalms: Relief

Speaker: Pastor Josh Jansen

Read: Psalm 16

Like David, we find that life can sometimes be difficult.  The stressor we experience are like baggage that we carry and can include various things from marital problems, financial challenges, addictions, fear, sickness and more. We may try to hide our pain from others or attempt to ignore it. But the longer we try to pretend it doesn’t exist, the heavier it becomes and the more damaging the results are. Things may get worse before they get better. The roller coaster of life will ultimately lead to a place where we seek relief. But we must be careful not to short-cut relief or look for it in the wrong places. It is important that we face the reality that it is okay not to be okay and understand that seeking relief is not an indication of a lack of faith. God created our emotions and He understands that at times we are challenged by them.

We can learn from David, who ran from the threat of death by the hand of Saul for years

 through no fault of his own. In the many Psalms he wrote he acknowledged his pain and expressed his hopes and confidence in God’s ability to rescue him.  We too can invite pain to our table and allow God to bring us through. For uncommon relief and pleasures come from finding God in the midst of our pain and understanding that there is relief at the feet of Jesus.


1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     When you are carrying baggage or going through a difficult life situation what do you do to find relief? 

3.     It was said that some take short-cuts to find relief, or look for relief in the wrong places that can lead to idolatry. What does this mean to you? What are some examples of short-cut options or wrong places leading to idolatry? 

4.     What are ways we can invite our pain to the table? 

5.     Read Psalm 16: 1-6. In your own words, what do you think David is saying? Now read Psalm 16:7-11. How is David expressing confidence in God?

6.     It was said that God may want to put purpose to our pain. What does this mean to you?

7.     It was also said that we should not let pain suffocate the fact that God is with us. What does this mean to you?


Sermon Recap - Psalms: Joy


Sermon Recap - Psalms