Sermon Recap: Easter Sunday

Group Leader Discussion Guide
Read:  Luke 19:28-44

Group Questions:

  1. The disciples experienced a period of uncertainty and vulnerability.  As we are experiencing our current season with the coronavirus, how is uncertainty and vulnerability being evidenced in our lives?

  2. What do you think is meant by the phrase, “… the invisible activity of God is only seen when one has a broken and contrite heart washed with tears?”

  3.  If women had no credibility in His day, why do you think Jesus revealed Himself first to a woman and one with a past?

  4.  In our day, what do you think it means to have Jesus call your name?

  5.  How do we go about looking for Jesus?

  6.  As you review this story, what speaks to you?

Sermon Recap:

Jesus’ disciples had walked with Him for three years, but in the last 48 hours things had changed and everything they had banked on ruthlessly collapsed in front of their eyes.  At the demand of the religious leaders, Jesus, who had done no wrong, was nailed to a cross and crucified. Because the religious leaders feared someone would steal his body and claim his resurrection, a very large round boulder was rolled in front of the entrance with a Roman seal and Roman guards posted there.  A group of women anxiously awaited the break of dawn to go and anoint the body of Jesus, but were wondering who would roll away the stone. 

Early Sunday morning while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.  When Mary looked in the tomb, she saw two angels who asked why she was crying. Interestingly, the disciples had not seen the angels. Could it be that the invisible activity of God is only seen when one has a broken and contrite heart washed with tears?  As Mary turned to leave, she saw Jesus, but did not recognize Him, thinking He was the gardener. As she began to tell him her concerns, Jesus revealed Himself to Mary. He simply called her name and her eyes were opened.

In calling her name, Jesus not only revealed Himself to Mary, but affirmed that He knew her personally He affirmed His love for her and reminded her that He was the One who had redeemed her, the One who had given her hope, and the One who had reached into darkness and brought her into the light. Like Mary, when we look for Him, we will find Him.  And when He calls our name, we will discover our true identity in Him and will meet the resurrected Jesus.

Some may think of the story of Jesus’ resurrection as a fabrication, or see it only from a historical perspective.  Others may check out the facts and still rationalize and be puzzled about what happened. Salvation does not come through rationalizing, but by personal revelation.  Only when we encounter Jesus personally, are we able to accept the fact of His resurrection and commit ourselves to the risen Lord. He has to in some way reveal Himself to us.  When He reveals Himself to us, we must accept Him. He saves us by grace. He does not restrict His grace to a certain type of person, but extends it to all who believe. We too should yearn for Jesus to call our name, for Him to open our eyes that we might know Him, and for Him to walk and talk with us.  But like Mary, we must first look for Him


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