Sermon Recap: In Good Company Pt. 1
Speaker: Pastor Carey Tanzola, Spiritual Formation Pastor
Read: Genesis 1:26-27; Proverbs 27:6; Matthew 4:18-21, 8:18, 9:9-12, 16:18, 20:26-28; Romans 15:5-7; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, 21-25
God’s design for us is that we be in a relational community. In past centuries families lived together and had built-in support and natural community. Over the years in the name of progress, people spread out and gradually became more separated and independent. Today loneliness is rampant. One study revealed that only 8% of the Americans studied actually had a face-to-face conversation with a neighbor in the past year. What is it that keeps us from involving ourselves in community? One reason may be that our western culture promotes independence and the Burger King mind-set of ‘have it your way.’ For others, loneliness has its root in fear – fear of exposing the real us, fear based on past experiences, fear of not measuring up or nor being accepted or perhaps fear of other people different from us which sometimes leads to tribalism and division.
God made us in His image and each of us has dignity and worth. We most reflect God’s image when we are in harmonious relationships with others. As believers we are part of one body and therefore are connected and have opportunity to learn from one another. We were made to be interdependent. Jesus set an example for us as He lived in community. He surrounded Himself with all kinds of people. He ate with them, walked and talked with them, ministered to them and built His church with broken, messed up people. If we are to follow Jesus, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and not be driven by fear. It may feel risky but vulnerability is a universal human experience. Through vulnerability we can grow through the times we mess up and need to confess, repent or forgive. We must trust God to care for us and our vulnerabilities and understand that being a part of a relational community will lead to a life of true faith in God.
1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?
2. What have been some of your fears or concerns about being in community? In a small group? In relating to people different from you?
3. Jesus called a diverse group of disciples: Matthew was a tax collector who was despised by his own people; Peter was an out-spoken feisty zealot always ready to fight; James and John were ambitious and wanted to sit on Jesus’ right hand in glory. Why do you think Jesus would call such a group that could have extreme polarity, tensions and differences in perspectives? What can we learn from this example?
4. It was said that God calls us to be part of His mission through relationships with messy people. What does this mean to you?
5. It was said that accountability is part of vulnerability. What does this mean to you?
6. It was said that following Jesus and living in community comes at the cost of what feels familiar, comfortable, and even safe. What does this mean to you?
7. When have you experienced one or more of the following types of vulnerabilities and how did it work out for you?
Physical - whereby you had to depend on others due to physical concerns;
Emotional - where you opened up your heart to others;
Social - whereby you were around people from different backgrounds and:
Spiritual - whereby were with people with different religious or spiritual views.