Mats into Monuments

Speaker: Pastor Josh Jansen

Read: John 5: 1-15

Discussion Questions:

1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2. When Jesus saw the obvious condition of the man, why do you suppose He asked him ifhe wanted to get well?

3. What are some reasons one might stay stuck in their brokenness and not seek healing?

4. What are some areas of your life you believe could be better if you changed some things, but you find it difficult to make the changes? How could you use the checks of (1) desire, (2) focus, and (3) obedience to move forward?

5. What does it mean to you for one to carry their mat as a monument of healing? What would this look like for us?

6. God could simply speak and our lives would suddenly change and our brokenness healed instantaneously, but instead He calls us to participate in our own healing. Why do you think He does this?

7. Read John 5:14. After the man was healed, what invitation did Jesus extend to him? Why was this important?

Sermon Recap

God’s desire is that we prosper and be in good health. Yet some people live for long periods of time in a state of brokenness either physically, emotionally or spiritually. They get stuck and

become victims to their circumstances because they resist God’s invitation for healing. They convince themselves that the situation is okay and that it simply is what it is. Although they

know they could have a better life, they lose hope and become comfortable in their mess and itbecomes a normal way of life for them. The invalid at the Pool of Bethesda may have felt like

this. For 38 years he lay there and remained lame because, from his perspective, there was noone to help him into the pool to experience the stirring of the water and ultimately healing.Jesus came along and challenged the man in much the same way that he challenges us. He offered three checks to facilitate healing and wholeness: desire, focus, and obedience. First, even though He knew the man had been there a long time, He asked if he wanted to get well. Sometimes, we too must take a hard look at our situations and decide whether we truly desire change. Next, we must put our focus on the One who can help us change and not on the problem or anyone else. Then we must be obedient in following His instructions or the guidelines He gives us, and actively take part in our healing. Nothing will happen until we obey. After the man was healed, Jesus then instructed him to pick up his mat and walk, thereby encouraging him to carry the mat as a monument and display of the miracle he had experienced.


Invitation to Rest


Invitations: Remembrance