Invitation to Practice the Presence of People

Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis

Scripture References: Ephesians 2:10, Genesis 1:21, Romans 5:8, 12:2 (Voice), John 1:14


  1. What is your overall response to the sermon and review? What stands out to you?

  2. Why is God’s invitation to be in a spiritual family essential to our spiritual growth?

  3. The Trinity can be seen as being in a “circle dance” of oneness. What does this mean to you? What are the implications for us?

  4. How does God’s plan of redemption ironically counter the western worldview?

  5. The spirit of individuality causes us to focus on our own wants and needs. How does this separateness and isolation go against God’s invitation?

  6. Read John 1:14. What does Christ’s example of love teach us?


God gives us an invitation to belong to a family, not to be confused with an invitation to join a church. The purpose of God’s invitation is to help shape us, encourage us, be a catalyst and a faith place of belonging for us. It is indeed a mystery how God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit are One. Yet, the Triune God is One who pours Himself into creation expressing love and acceptance. The three divine Persons of the One God have loved one another and been in relationship with one another for all eternity. They deeply and intimately know one another and there is no fear, shame or insecurity in their relationship. This relationship can be referred to as a “circle dance” which involves an act of utmost trust and love, each giving away everything, then receiving it all back again and then giving it all away again, in a circular fashion. Scripture tells us that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26)...that is we are to be a reflection of His nature. As such, God has hard-wired in us the circle of dance with God and all other image-bearers of God. Even though our culture promotes individuality, the mystery of faith calls us to participate in community, self-giving and acceptance. As God expressed His spirituality and love by entering into human relationships, we too must find a way to cast off our separateness and join the dance of Trinity and connect with others; for the quality of our spiritual life is no better than the quality of our human relationships. Love requires getting mixed up with and interacting with people. Modern man is tempted to view life from a cause and effect point of view, so he often misunderstands that difficulties, sickness and unwanted circumstances of life are due to an angry God and not to the fallen world we live in. This concept of cause and effect is messing up what cannot be changed... that God is loving, He is kind, His thoughts over you are good, We need to understand He is the God who will be with you in the valley of death. The ancient Greeks and Romans thought the gods they worshiped needed human sacrifice to appease them. Yet, ironically, it is the God of heaven who sacrificed His only Son to be with us even though He had no guarantee that we would love Him back.( Romans 5:8). Consider that God has placed you here; not as strangers, but as family. Take the first step; engage and start what may feel like an awkward dance. You’ll be reflecting the circle dance of the Trinity with the family of God.


Invite to Practice the Presence of People


Invitation to Rest Pt.2