Good Beautiful and Kind: Powers

Speaker: Pastor CJ Cody

Read: Daniel 10:12-14; Matthew 16:13-23; Ephesians 6:10-18

In our fractured world there is so much division, injustice, violence, and evil. Some may think the problem rests with the people in the world. But Scripture makes it clear that we do not struggle with flesh and blood, but against the devil and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm that we cannot see. The devil is subtle and cunning and uses strategies to create deception, division and depersonalization, all of which lead to the fractures we see on our world.

The good news is that these powers, as prevalent as they appear, have been defeated by Jesus and no longer have dominion over us.  However, if we are not alert, they can influence us and cause us to sin. That is why it is important that we stand firm in truth, faith, righteousness and the Word of God.


  1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

  2. It was said that one of Satan’s strategies is deception and when it creeps in, it opens the flood gate to other things. What are some examples of ways you see deception used in our world? What consequences have you see as a result of such deception?

  3. In what circumstances might it be acceptable to tell a “white lie”?

  4. Depersonalization is listed as another strategy of Satan. What does it mean to you? How have you seen it evidenced in our world?

  5. Read Daniel 10:12-14. What stands out for you in this passage?

  6. Read Matthew 16:13-23. Why do you think Jesus said to Peter, “Get thee behind me Satan?” How  is this different from what He said to Peter in v.17? Why do you think these two statements were so different? What might that say to us?

  7. What can we do to stand firm in truth, faith, righteousness, and the Word?


The Good, Beautiful and Kind: Laying Down the False Self


Good, Beautiful and Kind: Don’t Miss the Moment