God Has a Name: Part 2

Speaker: Pastor Pierre

Read: Exodus 3:15, 22:26-27, 34:6-8; 1 Kings 3: 26-27; Psalm 103:13; Isaiah 49:15; Matthew 9:36,20:34.

Historically, past generations worshipped many gods that had a direct influence over everything in their lives including their crops, the rain, fertility, battle outcomes and even diseases. Theses gods were cold and unfeeling and demanded to be appeased by sacrifices. Sacrifices could consist of birds, animals or even as gruesome as one’s first-born child. But when God spoke to Moses, He understood that He was an unknown God to many people at that time. He identified Himself as Yahweh, a tender, loving God different from the gods of Egypt and past times and as a God who wants to know us and be known by us.


God describes Himself as compassionate, meaning His feeling towards us is like that which a mother has towards her infant child. Because of His never-ending nature of compassion, He shows grace and favor towards us even when we are underserving of it. Our understanding of His nature is reflected in how we approach Him. Some approach Him based on what they have done and others approach Him based on their circumstances. But the best way to approach Him is on the basis of the essence of His nature, as One who is merciful, gracious and kind all of the time.


1.     What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2.     How does it make you feel to know that God’s predominate thought over you is compassion?

3.     Read 1 Kings 3:16-27. How does this story relate to the nature of God?

4.     Read Matthew 9:36 and 20:24. What are ways Jesus showed compassion to these people? What are ways He has shown compassion in your life?

5.     What does it look like or sound like when one approaches God based on what they have done? Or the basis of being a victim or the basis of their circumstances?

6.     What does it mean to you to be able to approach God based on the essence of His nature?


God Has a Name: Part 3


No Strangers Here: God Has a Name