Giving is the Good Life Pt. 3
Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis
Read: Proverbs 23:7; Matthew 25: 40, 45; Luke 12:21; Romans 7:15-16, 18, 8: 13-14; 2 Corinthians 2:9-11
Sermon Recap:
In the heart of every believer, there are two voices. One voice is fanned by faith in God and represents a new nature. These believers are led by the Spirit and think about the things that please the Spirit. They are the sons of God and will have a mindset that leads to life, peace and generosity. The second voice is fanned by fear and is reflective of a fallen nature. This nature leads to thoughts about sinful things, is disobedient to God’s laws, and has a mindset that leads to death. These conflicting natures require that we make a conscious decision about which voice to listen to. Whichever we listen to will be reflected in our behavior. As believers, we are to be partners and royal co-workers with God on earth. We are His workmanship and are to do good work and live the good life He prepared in advance for us. He funnels every good work and every good gift through his sons and daughters. This requires that we put our faith into action and that we have a mindset of trusting Him as our source. One of the ways we can demonstrate this trust is with being generous when we have the opportunity to give. If we listen to the voice fanned with fear, we will become anxious about uncertainties and cling to what we have, we will then lose out on the higher good that comes from helping others. Although it may seem illogical to the world, when we act in faith and give our gifts to those in need, they will receive the gifts joyfully and express their thank to God. God will get the glory and we will prove that we are obedient to the good news of Christ.
1. What resonated with you as you listened to this sermon and reviewed it?
2. Considering the two voices, it was said that whatever voice you obey becomes stronger and the voice you don’t obey becomes weaker. What does this mean to you?
3. How is faith related to generosity?
4. Read Luke 12:16-21. Explain the parable in your own words. How does it Illustrate that the good life has nothing to do with being wealthy? How is this different from what society thinks?
5. In the allegory shared about the chariot and the charioteer, a white horse pulls the chariot upward toward the divine realm from a place of faith and obedience; and a black horse pulls the chariot downward towards the earth, symbolizing materialism, indulgence and chaos; and weare the charioteer guiding the horses. What does this allegory mean to you?
6. Read Matthew 6: 19-21. How do we store up treasures in heaven?
7. Why do you think that some people who attend church do not give to the church they attend? What are some voices that may be holding them back?