Why We Gather: This is That

Speaker: Josh Jansen

Read: Acts 2:14-21,36,42-47; Romans 12:1

The Jewish people had long awaited the coming of the Messiah who was promised to affect their culture and their lives. Then Jesus came and the spiritual advancement after His death and resurrection dumbfounded the people at this time. Yet on the Day of Pentecost, Peter preached the Gospel and explained that Jesus, whom they had killed is that who they had been praying for and that which they were observing was what the prophets had spoken of. This was that for which they had been waiting. Thousands believed his message and the early church was born and began to turn the world upside down. The gathering of this early community revealed the three revolutionary keys of glory, connection and acceptance that the culture then and now is searching for. In response to what God had done for them, they prioritized Him over everything else by daily giving glory and honor to Him and by proclaiming His majesty. They connected deeply with one another through regular time together in prayer and worship and made sacrifices by selling their possessions to give to those in need. In so doing, they died daily to themselves. They were not interested in a closed community and instead, invited those who some would consider the enemy into the family. It was through these keys that they turned the world upside down. Likewise, in our culture today, acceptance in a community that understands the key of glory and the key of sacrifice can also turn our world upside down.


1. What resonated with you as listened to this sermon and reviewed it?

2. Josh used a rotary phone to illustrate how we are living in a time that people before us only dreamed about. He noted that some have rotary phone faith and are searching for answers with a rotary phone. What does this mean to you?

3. It was said that we are giving glory all the time and that your community will dictate where our glory goes. What does this mean to you? How would you define “glory?” To whom or what is your glory directed?

4. The question was asked whether the community around you is living lives of sacrifice or self-preservation. What is the difference?

5. Read Romans 12:1. Explain this Scripture in your own words.

6. It was said that the culture is not the enemy, but the mission field. What does this mean to you?

7. How can the church today use the revolutionary keys of glory, connection and acceptance to turn our world upside down?


Vision Sunday


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