End of an Era
Speaker: Pastor Pierre du Plessis
Scripture References: Ecclesiastes 3:11,11:5, I Corinthians 15:36
Discussion Questions
1. What resonated with you as you listened to the sermon and review?
2. An era is defined as a span of time characterized by particular features that distinguish it from other periods. Read Ecclesiastes 11:5. , Ecclesiastes 3:11. What are your thoughts as they pertain to God’s activity in the world?
3. What is the Gray Zone, and what makes living in the Gray Zone so perplexing?
4. What aspects of our shifting culture are troublesome to you? What is God calling you to do with these conflicting matters as you navigate living in the Gray Zone?
5. Historically, no empire has not imploded in time. How does your faith strengthen you during these culturally disruptive times?
6. How does the pericarp, an acorn’s protective covering, compare to our need to release hold on what’s inside of us?
7. A generous life is one in which everything that flows to you, flows through you so it can flourish in others. How do love, kindness and generosity help neutralize the toxicity that is all around us?
8. How is Christ in you, the hope of heaven?
9. Pastor’s challenge this week is to silence everything that stirs up fear or confusion. What small steps will you take to take on this challenge? In what way will you starve your fear and feed your faith?
Sermon Recap
If you’re experiencing an overall sense of disequilibrium, confusion and doubt, it’s because it is a sign of the times in which we live. What matters, events, and circumstances, even institutions that we’ve come to rely on as foundational, have since come into question. What was once considered normal, correct and right are now seen as abnormal, intrusive and unacceptable; yet largely embraced by our culture. For many, these striking changes cause a generalized feeling of upheaval and consternation because they feel unprepared and ill equipped to deal with such drastic changes. Much like a volcanic explosion that suddenly and powerfully, and unalterably disrupts a way of life, you may feel blind-sided accompanied by inner turmoil.
Today, the world as we know it is living in the Gray Zone. Gray Zones are challenging places. It is a strange, potentially disruptive place. It brings a cultural shift that divides family, friends and communities. Gray Zones exist in the overlap between the passing of one era and the era to come. They contain the influences of both the passing era, and the one to come, which make them confusing and contradictory. Some People are thrilled with the passing of an era, others, not so much and are resistant to its coming. Nevertheless, an era implodes on itself and forces us to move to the next era. Because of its potential volatility, it is essential that the body of Christ become deeply rooted in God and committed to hear what God has to say. If not, we will destroy the community and the family of God for the sake of an opinion.
In times like these, we can easily self protect and live a closed up life. However, like an acorn that has the potential to seed 1,000 forests we too, have the opportunity to live a life that blesses others and shows the love of Christ. In order for us to move into a life of generous, Christ like love, we need to surrender our fears similar to an acorn letting go of its protective shell called the pericarp, in order for the seed to bear life.